  • 瓜类梦到瓜类
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  • 豆类梦到豆类
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  • 当前位置:网站首页梦到豆类梦见去山上看到豌豆荚了


    宋帅帅 宋帅帅 宋帅帅 2024-12-21 11:58:06 互联网 1621浏览


    I had a wonderful dream last night. In the dream, I went up to a mountain and saw a field full of pea pods. There was a green lawn, dotted with little green peas of various shapes and sizes - some of them small and delicate, and some of them plump, tender and juicy. Mature peas fell into the grass with a crisp sound. The air was filled with the sweet scent of harvest, and I was lost in this paradise-like scene.


    Before coming here, I had never seen so many pea pods before, and I was a bit stunned. I felt like I was following some farmers who were picking peas. They were wearing gray clothes and old hats, with no tan on their skin even though they worked in the sun all day. This scene reminded me of my grandfather. He was a farmer and worked hard in the fields from morning till night every day. I couldn't help but admire him, thinking that agriculture is so important for our entire society.


    In this forest of pea pods, I saw many animals feeding here. There was a little squirrel, running back and forth on the branches, taking away some peas and gnawing open the pods with its tiny teeth, looking very cute. And there was a gray rabbit slowly nibbling on pea pods on the lawn, with a little froth around its mouth, giving people a sense of leisurely ease.


    Turning over these pea pods, I saw the fresh green peas inside shining like pearls. They were so delicious and inviting, and I really wanted to taste them. However, I suddenly realized that I was dreaming and could not control everything in the dream, so I could only observe everything quietly and let the dream unfold freely.


  • 这是一场奇妙的梦境,我在梦中去了一座山上,看到了一大片的豌豆荚。一片葱绿的草地上,点缀着点点翠绿的豆荚,它们有的小巧玲珑,有的饱满鲜嫩,熟透的豌豆啪嗒啪嗒掉落在草丛里,发出微微的脆响。整个草地上弥漫着
    宋帅帅 宋帅帅 梦到豆类 2024-12-21 1622浏览
  • 我曾经做过一个梦,梦到自己在山上捡豌豆。一大早,我迫不及待地背上篮子,走向了山上。太阳已经开始升起,阳光透过树叶照在地上,绿色的草地显得更加生机勃勃。在山脚下,有一片豌豆田,上面的豌豆已经长得很高了,
    宋帅帅 宋帅帅 梦到豆类 2023-05-29 1717浏览
  • 我醒来时,还沉浸在梦境里。我梦见自己站在一片广袤的森林里,看到了一株高大的松树。这棵树真的是太高了,只好仰起脖子看它。我被它那根根直达云端的枝干震撼到了。树干茂密的枝叶闪耀着金色的阳光。但是,在我的梦
    宋帅帅 宋帅帅 梦到树类 2024-12-19 1877浏览
  • 梦见看到松树,给我留下了深刻的印象。在梦里,我看到了一片高大的松树林,树干直立,树冠碧绿,沐浴在阳光下,让人感到舒适与愉悦。松树是一种生命力极强的树种,它的枝叶茂密,常年绿色,是中国的传统文化中的象征
    宋帅帅 宋帅帅 梦到树类 2024-09-17 1324浏览
  • 网站也是有底线的

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